Saturday, December 8, 2007

Spare Body Parts from Skin Cells Breakthrough

Scientists in the United States and Japan have made simultaneous breakthroughs which may finally ease the ethical problem of using stem cells from human embryos for medical treatment.

Stem cells are the precursor cells of specialized cells in the body that differentiate during embryonic growth to become bones, internal organs, the brain, etcetera. Stem cells are said to be the solution to many medical problems that lead to loss of organs and other essential internal body parts like the liver and the heart. By harvesting and growing stem cells into different body parts, humans can have replacements at hand without the need for donors.

Stem cells were originally harvested from human embryos, and religious and political groups and certain parties have criticized this as immoral even if the process can save and improve lives. Fortunately, the process of getting stem cells from skin cells has been given support by the Catholic church.

To view a video of the news on how scientists are now using skin cells to make stem cells, jump to i-Mash here.

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